Advent has arrived, and with it, our Annual Giving Tree!
As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Lord, we reach out to warm the hearts and support the mothers and children who live at the Good Shepherd Shelter. Our lovely Giving Tree is filled with ornaments that have a detailed description of a requested item, as well as envelopes requesting a monetary donation or a gift card to stores near the Shelter that sell foods, household necessities, and clothing. These gifts will help ensure that the moms and children have a celebratory Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Please help support this worthy mission by picking up one or more of the ornaments and/or envelopes; feel welcome to take as many as you would like.
Please return all gift items, unwrapped, to the large box at the base of the Giving Tree by the end of Sunday, December 15, which is the Third Sunday in Advent.
The envelopes each request gift cards or monies. These same envelopes can be used for returning your donations. They can be placed in the collection basket at all Masses, in the locked Parish Office mailbox next to the Shoshone stairway gate, or they may be hand-delivered to the Parish Office.
If you have questions, or especially if you would like to help make the ornaments and envelopes or to decorate the gift boxes (in Parish Hall, Nov. 23, 11:00-2:00) or to fill the gift boxes with the donated items in the Sanctuary after the 5:00 P.M. Mass on December 22, please call either Debbie Borquez (818-625-8377) or Beth Illig (818-512-9692).
We look forward to sharing this joyful mission of service with you; come get involved and help spread the Good News!