St Euphrasia Catholic Church offers formal preparation for the First Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession, Penance) and Communion (Eucharist) to children in 2nd grade and older through the parish Religious Education Office. We recognize and support the primary role of the family in a child’s preparation for the Sacraments. Our role is to be a partner in this preparation, offering prayerful support, spiritual guidance, and catechetical instructions of our faith.
First Communion and First Reconciliation is a two-year program, beginning in the first grade, but all elementary age students are welcome!
St Euphrasia Catholic Church offers formal Religious Education to help parents educate their children about our Catholic faith. For students who have already received their First Communion we encourage ongoing formation.
Copy of Baptismal Certificate for new students and those preparing to receive their First Sacraments.
Weekly Mass participation with their families.
Regular class attendance is required for the best level of understanding and appreciation of Scripture, Sacraments, and our Catholic Traditions.